Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

Resounding Orchestra Gumarang

 Latin fever is also impacting many in the country music industry in the era of the 50's and 60's. In the half decade of the 50's began bertebaranlah embed music groups and orchestras in jatidrinya each word of which is the orchestra Gumarang masing.Satu diarsiteki by a man who bled West Sumatra, Asbon Madjid.Pada post-World War II, musical entertainment (this is the name for music pop) is strongly influenced by the music and doo wop rock n'roll from the United Serikat.Tapi adopted at the same time the U.S. was not able to inhibit menyelusupnya Latin music of the Havana, Cuba.
Memerikkan Asbon the genial influence of Latin music in a blend of musical traditions lifted from Minangkabau. And fusion was performed Asbon is destined.

Asbon Madjid

Asbon Besides, there are also several other young musicians like Sjaiful Minang Nawas, Awaluddin, Joeswar Chairudinn, Dhira Soehoed and Anwar Anif. They agreed to use the name Gumarang that supposedly lifted from folklore Minang, Tjindue Mato, the main character has three pets. Three animals were Kinantan the rooster who is good, the gallant Binuang berania the bull and the horse Pegasus Gumarang with white fur running like lightning, it is said that according to legend can travel the world in sekejap.Seperti they mean, it was almost an instant Gumarang reap the fame.
Obviously there are tersemburat ideals in the minds of young people in the diving world musik.Meskipun they were unable to stem the charm sparkle Latin music, but they take the pulse tengah.Ditengah songs like Quisas Quisas to Besame Mucho, the crew slipped Gumarang the realm of music itself: Minang. Minang songs popularized by famous orchestra Comforter HTI kind "Dajung Palinggam" to "Kaparinjo" they played with Latin music affixes. After the leadership of Anwar's popularity catapulted Anif considered Gumarang including merlis Lokananta album a record company ends, then held the reins of leadership Asbon Madjid. Asbon even conceive in order Gumarang began writing his own songs.

One of the essential albums Gumarang

Gumarang strength after becoming a singer Hasmanan recruits who in the 70's decade even penetrated the world of pefilman as a screenwriter and director, among others, the film "Satan's Bing Crosby Street", "Bing Salmet Busy", "Where are you Mom", "Romi and Yuli "and many more. Besides Hasmanan, Gumarang also supported a pianist who has a keen intuition in the Latin music playing Januar Arifin. Including Nurseha female singer. On the other hand, there are at least three orchestras also perform music seeding Minang hibrida.Yakni banging music with rock n'roll frame. Third is the orchestra conductor who led the late Zaenal Combo Zaenal Arifin.Lalu there Tjari Beetle Orchestra led Nuskan Sjarif and Cadet Orchestra Rian was initiated by the late Oslan Hussein.
One of the essential albums of this phenomenon is the album "Far in the village of Mato Nun" from the orchestra Gumarang released by the record company owned Cadence alamrhum Jos or Sujoso Karsono mas. Cadence Record owner is often observed lunge Gumarang. Mas Jos was so convinced of this mingling of Latin and Minang would bang on the ear of audiences.
Bids from any diterima.Gumarang rhythm was ready to stetumpuk songs such as "Ajam Lapeh Den" by Abdul Hamid, Jiko Bapisoh and Laruik Sandjo Asbon creation, creation Jobaitu Sjaiful Nawas, Takana Adiak Januar creation Arifin, Badju Karuang, Ko Upiek was Gadang, Nan Lapuak Titian, and the fate of Sawahlunto, tramp Minang combined with a beat cha cha. Cha Cha is a movement of social dances that originated from Cuba and diprakrasai by Enrique Jorrin.
Jos mas instincts proved. These songs are sung Gumarang Orchestra became national hits, namely: Ajam and Laruik Sandjo Lapeh Den. Even the two songs is also appointed to the big screen with a black format putih.Sutradara Usmar Ismail deceased famous work on the film "Laruik Sandjo" in 1960 with a major star couples Bambang Irawan (father of Ria Irawan) and Farida Oetojo (mother of the jazz drummer Aksan Sjuman ).

Then the film director Billy Iskandar 'Ajam Lapeh Den "(Stupa Film 1960) with the primary star and Farida Bambang Irawan June Ariany.Penyanyi Amir also took part this plays in the film tells of Nurseha ini.Film (Farida Arriany) arranged marriage by her parents Rizal ( Bambang Irawan), young compatriot, rich and loving Nurseha. But, Nurseha itself is bound by the promise of Amir (Amir June), Musician Orchestra Gumarang, his friend. Then they looked different. Nurseha aspire art devoted entirely sound, while Amir Nurseha as the hostess wants it. Both insist on the establishment of each and split. Meanwhile, Rizal who realize Nurseha unloved, then courted Yanti (Neneng Suharti), Nurseha friend. Then there was like the lyrics to "Chicken and Lapeh": sikucapang sikucapai (which can not be pursued, which contained scattered).
 A musical film that raised the popularity Gumarang.
Gumarang now incarnated in New Gumarang Orchestra, a group formed to continue the pace again and fame Gumarang in dawarsa 60-an.Mereka again entered the recording booth and mengjhasilkan album "Nan Bagala"

LINK : : Pangkalannya Herry Soetanto


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